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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Need For Speed : Most Wanted System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2007-07-17 07:18:52 Views : 26212 Recommended car The best start car is the Cobalt SS. Use that car until you get the Eclipse. When you win Blacklist races, try for the three "?" markers. You can get cash or the pink slip car. If you get their car, go to the safe house and sell it. You can get good money by doing this, and get unique upgrades after you start getting into the visuals (after you switch from the Cobalt). Avoid police Upon reaching level 4 (Most Wanted) there will be an overwhelming amount of police officers coming after you. At this level, cops are excellent at boxing you in. If you cannot move forward, use reverse for two seconds to get away from the block. Spin your car around and get out of there. Nitrous boosting It is critical when you get past Blacklist Member #6 to use your nitrous wisely and strategically. Instead of just holding [Nitrous] in desperation to get ahead, press and release it when the tachometer is about to shift to the next gear. Upon the next gear shift, continue pressing [Nitrous] until the next upcoming gear shift. This is the way precious milliseconds are spared. Sharp turns When there is a sharp turn coming up, use your Speed Breaker when you are a little farther away from the turn. Turn your wheel to the direction that you are turning, then turn your wheel to the opposite side. Try to use Speed Breaker only half of while you are taking the turn. If you use it for the entire turn, you will likely turn around. Once you have turned, quickly use nitrous. If done correctly, you will turn three times faster than the CPU cars. Respawning If you crash your car do not force it to respawn. Instead, let the game reset your car. You will then be invulnerable and able to get away from the cops if you are in a very tight spot. Better times On Heritage and Omega, to get through the curves do no use the shortcuts. It will only slow you down. Just take the turns and it will save you some time. It can help you build up some speed for the rest of the track. Additional cars Defeat the indicated Blacklist Boss to win the corresponding car.
Blacklist cars If you win the pinkslips to a Blacklist car, you may want to use the Blacklist car as your own and make the necessary upgrades to performance, as most of the upgrades will have been already made by the Blacklist owner. You do not need to spend too much money to increase the performance, handling, etc. Sometimes these cars will have upgrades that have not been unlocked yet, but most of these are usually visual. Only do this if the vehicle you have won has better attributes than the one you are currently driving in its standard mode. You can check this out in the car shop. Keep about three to five good quick cars in your safehouse. Pursuit Breakers If you are driving toward a Pursuit Breaker and there is a spike strip immediately after it, do not hit the Pursuit Breaker. During the intermission sequence, the CPU will take control of your car and will drive through the spike strip, ending the pursuit. Easy money If you are low on cash, just defeat one of the opponents on the black-list. You will get two marks to use on several different things. Do not use them on the Uniques early in the game. Instead, use them on the middle or the left "Random" choices. They should always come out to either be a big cash bonus or the opponent's pink slip. Quick start Pay close attention to your tachometer when launching from the start line. Grab a perfect launch to gain a few precious seconds. When the needle turns blue drop the clutch and hold on. Get strikes off your car If you get busted in a pursuit, turn off the game before saving it. When the game is played again the strike will be gone. Note: This will not work if you can only get one more strike. Recommended car tuning If you are performance tuning your car, try to raise "Top Speed", "Acceleration", and "Handling" at the same time, and keep them even as much as possible. All upgrades After completing the game, start a new file. Load the new file after the introduction sequence. Save the game. Without shutting down the game, load the file that you won the game with and go into the car selection screen. Select a car as usual, then save the game. Again, without shutting down the game, load the new file. All Performance, Visual and Parts upgrades will be unlocked in that game. All the Blacklist racers in the new file will have the stamp across them that reads "Defeated". You can still race them and get through the game normally, but you must drive to the Blacklist challenge location to race Sonny, Taz, Vic, etc. You can no longer initiate the blacklist races from the menu. Timebreaker The Timebreaker can be used to improve handling at difficult turns. It can also be used to blast cars from a roadblock. The Timebreaker adds mass to the vehicle, thus blasting cop cars easier. Hit cop cars like this, and if you are lucky you can send them spinning in the air; often hitting the level boundary in the sky. Extra $10,000 To get an extra $10,000 in career mode have a Need For Speed Underground or Need For Speed Underground 2 career game saved on your hard drive. After the prologue you will have $40,000. Lowering Heal levels To lower the Heat from your car, go to a Stop Shop and go in. Then, change the color of your car. Leave and do not move. Press [Up] to go back in and change the car back to its original color. Your Heat will be lower by 1. Do this multiple times to reach condition 1 again. Junkman parts If you try to put Junkman parts on you car in career mode, it will not work. You can only do this at the main menu. Car test If you are unsure which car is the best to use when upgraded, you can upgrade all the cars that are unlocked for free in the main menu.-Go to "My Cars", choose a car that is available, and upgrade it with the parts that are available. By doing this, you will not waste all your money in career mode. Challenge series After completing career mode there will still be some cars that are locked. In order to unlock them you must go to the main menu and select the "Challenge Series" option. After winning all the challenges, those cars will be unlocked. Note: At first there will be two or three challenges unlocked from 69 challenge. In order to access the locked challenges you must win the available challenges. Nitrous and grip Hitting nitrous torques the chassis back, giving the rear tires immensely more weight under the new acceleration. The end effect is that you will go straight. If you find your tail sliding out or are about to spin out of control, hit your nitrous. You will be surprised at how fast you will get straight again. This is a great trick in combination with Speedbreaker. With the correct timing, there is no corner you cannot take at any speed. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Need For Speed : Most Wanted cheat codes.
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